Residential Prepaid Maintenance Agreement Plan
Not only could it save you thousands from the cost of a new furnace, but it ensures you and your family are safe from harmful (even potentially deadly) airborne toxins and gases. Our Prepaid agreement program allows you a hassle-free solution to keeping you comfortable.

It offers a seasonal tune-up and professional cleaning of your furnace, heat pump and/or air conditioning systems, ductless heat pump equipment, and Air Duct systems.
NW HVAC agrees to render the following services to your indoor comfort system, and a Safety and Efficiency inspection will be performed by one of our certified technicians.
Enjoy these benefits with a Maintenance Agreement:
- Priority scheduling for on demand repair services.
- No overtime labor rate for after-hours calls for on demand no heat or no cool calls.
- Equipment Safety and Efficiency inspections completed using a comprehensive list of checks and tests for the appropriate system covered under the maintenance agreement.
- Automatic reminders – we contact you when it is time to schedule your inspection.
- Replace/Clean filters (Includes basic 1″ or 4” filter) *
- Access to online filter ordering. Online orders will be shipped directly to your home at your convenience.
- $99.00 charge for diagnostics when calls are made on covered equipment **
- 20% discount on parts and labor of equipment covered in this agreement ***
- Lifetime warranty on parts installed while under maintenance agreement and 1 year warranty on repairs completed under this agreement. ****
- Earn credit for a new system. Every year the Maintenance Agreement is held in good and continuous standing, NW HVAC will credit the customer $100.00 per year towards a new system. *****
* Better quality filters will be billed at the agreement discounted rate. Does not include Honeywell or AprilAire brand filters. Included filter brand, type, and quality will be at the discretion of NW HVAC.
** The discount applies to the covered system only.
*** The discount included in this agreement is on repairs only. It does not apply to new equipment purchases or system design modifications.
**** Lifetime warranty on parts and repairs is conditional upon maintaining the Maintenance Agreement in continuous and good standing. After repairs have been completed any outside attempt to modify or change the repair either by the home owner or another company will void the lifetime warranty on the part or repair covered under this agreement.
***** Earned credit of $100.00 per year is only valid towards the purchase of a new system. It is only good for the holder of the maintenance agreement and is not transferable for other goods and or services or to another customer/owner. The maintenance agreement must be held in good standing for the entire year (twelve months) to receive credit for the year. If in the event the agreement lapses due to non-payment NW HVAC will make attempts to contact the customer and rectify the situation. If after 30 days the agreement is not brought back into good standing the previous year or years accumulated credit will be reset to a zero balance.
System Inspections Include:
Gas Furnace
- Heat exchanger
- Burners, Pilot, Igniter and Flame sensor
- Gas Valve
- Blower motor, belt and wheel
- Test all modes
- Clean/replace 1” filter (2”,3”,4” filters extra)
- And much more!
Air conditioner or Heat Pump systems
- Refrigerant Levels and Pressures
- Extensive check of electrical Connections and components
- Extensive check of Defrost controls, valves, sensors, and safety limits
- Check indoor blower
- Test back up and other modes
- Clean drain line and trap.
- And much more!
Air Duct Systems
- Inspection of age, quality of installation, and connections.
- Inspection for any damage.
- Inspection of Supply/Return air plenums and for correct airflow load.
- Inspection of any other apparent crawl space/attic problems, and a free referral to a reliable contractor that can help. (If necessary)
Join Today
Our goal is to save you as much time, money, and hassle as possible. With our extremely fair and competitive pricing, we can fit any budget, with a guarantee that you will be satisfied and pleased with your experience. Get our hassle-free maintenance program today; give your family comfort and peace of mind with clean, safe, and refreshing air.